Meet 16th nov 2021 : Shocking! Meet gets unconscious


Meet gives the blood bottle to the nurse. The nurse tells the blood is enough and she does not need anything else. Meet starts feeling dizzy and she gets unconscious.

She falls down on the ground and when she gets back her senses she finds that she is in a room. She tries to find her mangalsutra. She finds it on the floor.

He remembers about her husband and tries to get up from the bed. The nurse asks her to take rest as she is very weak but she does not listen and goes out of the room.

She finds that Rajvardhan is standing there. She asks that how is a meet ahlawat Rajvardhan says that he is ok now. She starts playing herself on this.

She tells that if she didn’t have fought with him then he would have been ok. Rajvardhan says that there is nothing like this it is because of her that he is safe.

She goes to see that how is meet ahlawat. The nurse comes and tells that meet ahlawat’s condition is improving. And one of them can stay there and take care of him.

Rajvardhan tells her to go house and take rest because she is also very weak. He says that she should take sufficient rest.

Meet tell him that if he needs her then he can call her and she will be immediately there. They see that meet ahlawat is getting back his senses.

Rajvardhan tells meet that it is important for hard to stay over there because meet ahlawat need her more than him he says that he also needs to go back to home because Babita is not well.

Meet asks that how is Babita and what has happened to her he says that actually he has got and migraine attack. Rajvardhan leaves and meat takes care of meet ahlawat.

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