Starplus Anupama Ep 365-11th September 2021: Vanraj is jealous of Anupama


Anupama does her presentation, she tries to open the laptop but she is unable to do it. Anuj comes and helps her to open the laptop and start the presentation.

Anupama starts the presentation she says that she has never been to a hotel but she knows that people always speak about the food which is given in the hotel.

She says that the food that always can be remembered by people is the food made by mothers. Anuj thinks that his mother also used to tell the same thing.

Kavya interrupts and says that they have come there for a business meeting and not emotional talk. Anupama it says that if they can make a hotel where mothers will be the chef.

Anuj says that for that a lot of time and money will be required to be invested. Anupama says that when they can invest money in the furniture then why not on the housewife to teach them something.

Nandini tries to find that why have the lights gone off, Samar comes and says sorry to her and both of them apologize to each other for their behaviour.

Anupama completes her presentation, Anuj says that he has to think about the ideas because both the ideas are very unique. Anupama ,vanraj and Kavya are ready to leave the office when Anuj calls Anupama.

Anupama close the door, Anuj gives the tiffin box to Anupama ask that what is there in the tiffin box, and it says that is a surprise and ask her to open the tiffin box.

Anupama finds that it is the imli chocolate that she used to eat with Devika during her college days. She says that she did not even remember all this Anuj says that he remembered everything.

When Anupama comes out of the office vanraj asks that what was she doing inside, Anupam tells that Anuj returned her tiffin box. In the car, Kavya says that she sure that their idea will be selected.

Vanraj , looks at Anupama and finds Anupama eating the imli chocolate. They reached home and Leela ask that how was their meeting Kavya says that their meeting was very good but Anupama’s idea was very bad.

Anupama says that whenever in this world someone decides to do something new at first everyone says that it is a bad idea.

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