Starplus anupama 27th August 2021 Sneak peek : Anupama is in Big Danger


Today’s episode of Anupama it is shown that Anupama is in a great danger because everyone gets to know that she has taken the money from Rakhi.

Rakhi reveals the truth to everyone that Anupama came to her house last night and was begging for money she gave the money and on behalf of that she gave the portion of her house to her. When everyone Learns the truth everyone gets shocked.

Vanraj start shouting on Anupama and says that how can she be such irresponsible, he blames her and says that now they all have to listen to insult by Rakhi.

Vanraj tells rakhi to leave the house Rakhi says that she will not leave the house because it is her house too. She Goes and takes out the nameplate of Anupama from the door and close it.

She puts our own nameplate over the door, and says that she has came to that house many times but now when she will come she will come proudly.

Kinjal says to her mother rakhi that she wants something on behalf of the money right, she tells that she is ready to give her self. Rakhi says that she does not have to do all these things. Kinjal also says that she will be staying with her at her house Rakhi says that it is no more anupama’s house because the house is Hers.

Vanraj screams at Anupama, Hasmukh tries to interrupt in between when Kavya says that today he can’t Anupama. Hasmukh says that it was he who has give the permission to Anupama to keep the house, and take money from Rakhi.

#Trending | Anupama Episode 27th August 2021 BIG DRAMA: Vanraj blames Anupama, Rakhi tells the truth 👉👉👉

He also added that they have not sold the house. Anupama is not able to say anything she stands and listen to all the things and insults.

In the upcoming episode it will be seen that how vanraj how and Kavya will again start insulting Anupama. What will happen after this ? Will Anupama give back money to Rakhi and take back the house from Rakhi.

Most viewed Episode | Starplus Anupama 28th august 2021, Episode 353: Anupama decides to leave the house after paying the money 👉👉👉

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