Heartbreaking Death Of Fox News Anchor Uma Pemmaraju

Pemmaraju was born in India.Later her family moved to Texas where she studied at Trinity University

She was respected and loved by all the memebers of Fox news and her collegues.

Pemmaraju's death was announced by Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott

Its a very emotional moment for all the members of the fox news family because Uma was the lady who has seen the channel growing up.

The CEO said,"Uma was an incredibly talented journalist as well as a warm and lovely person, best known for her kindness to everyone she worked with."

In 1996, Uma joined Fox News when it launched on October 7.

She was the only Indian-American anchors who was loved by both the viewers and the collegues.

She recieved the Emmy award for a story covering a rescue of a child who nearly drowned

The news has saddened the viewers as well as the members at Fox Newschannel